和田 [切换城市]


KKV店铺高效运营体系 “快时尚+新零售”模式

更新时间:2019/12/6 9:55:32信息编号:26-2615522
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KKV店铺高效运营体系 “快时尚+新零售”模式







KKV store efficient operation system "fast fashion and new retail" model.

 Guangzhou Eight Thousand Miles Shelf Co. , Ltd. is a fast-food store shelves, clothing store shelves, jewelry store shelves, clothing store props, store design, underwear store shelves, famous excellent store shelves,Brand shelves, supermarket shelves, Outlets store shelves, KM men's shelves, ZARA shelves, UR men's and women's shelves, HM store shelves, Dicannon shelves, unprinted shelves, pleasure windLing shelves, GXG shelves, PEACE? BIRD shelves and other products specializing in the production and processing of the company, with a complete, scientific quality management system. The integrity of Guangzhou Eight Thousand Mile Shelf Co., Ltd., strength and product quality have been recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guide and business negotiations.

 From the KKV store's mode of operation, it advocates the efficient, fashionable, affordable operation, and its explosive strategy, non-disturbing sales mode, the pursuit of the ultimate efficiency of the business philosophy, in a certainThe degree is consistent with the fast fashion business practices, but it is different.

 In the past, the disadvantage of the fast fashion model is that the quality of goods caused by low-cost output is uneven, KKV in order to solve the benefits to customers at the same time, but also to ensure the sale of high-quality productsSo KKV stores have found a new model - "fast fashion and new retail".

KKV only sells online red-explosive products, the best-selling products themselves bring their own traffic, its rapid circulation will bring huge sales, but also will inevitably bring about a reduction in supply chain costs, so that they go with upstream suppliersTo negotiate there are more advantages, and strive for more affordable price feedback back to customers.

That is, no one to promote, the purpose is to provide customers with a good experience environment, do not bring them any shopping pressure, the effect of doing so makes the store popular.

Yue Ning believes that no service is a good service, is "everywhere" service, the price of each product on the brand will have a product selling point description, so that consumers at a glance. It is precisely as

With its efficient operating system, ultimate experience and strong supply chain system, KKV is rapidly rising in this consumption upgrade and becoming the leader of a new category of import collection stores.Brand.

温馨提示:KKV店铺高效运营体系 “快时尚+新零售”模式”由用户自行发布,信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布人负责。虽然部分网友认证了账号,但是并不代表没有风险。本地生活网不提供任何保证不参与交易,亦不承担任何法律责任。
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